Clinical Trials Guide

Advantages of Clinical Trials

Unlike clinical trials for patients, clinical trials for healthy adults do not offer any therapeutic benefits.

However, the cooperation of those who participate in clinical trials (subjects) is essential as the first step in bringing a drug candidate under development.

Disadvantages of Clinical Trials

The clinical testing events may cause pain and discomfort, and you will be required to comply with the restrictions set forth while participating in the trial to obtain correct clinical data regarding the drug.

In addition, since you will be working with drug candidates that are still in the development stage, you may experience unexpected effects.

Safety and Assurance

To ensure that participants (subjects) join in the clinical trial with peace of mind, our staff always takes the utmost care to ensure that participants complete the clinical trial in the same state of health as before you participated in the trial.

Nevertheless, in the event of any health-related abnormality related to your participation in the clinical trial, our staff will provide you with appropriate treatment and care. In such cases, all necessary costs will be borne by the pharmaceutical company and the medical institution and will be handled in good faith.

In the unlikely event that you experience any changes in your physical condition because of participating in a clinical trial, please feel free to contact us.

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